With meaningful dashboards, you always have an eye on the performance of your company.
Key figures
The cornerstone of a meaningful dashboard is data and metrics. The data for your dashboard is kept in the data warehouse (link on subpage DW). Key figures, on the other hand, are defined as statistical numbers that take into account a certain factual and numerical logic in order to illustrate company states or company developments for your analysis goal. Key figures are primarily characterized by their informational nature. This allows you to evaluate facts and contexts and to establish a uniform understanding within your company.
However, you don’t need just a random set of key figures to create a meaningful dashboard. Therefore, we define so-called Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in advance in conjunction with you, which represent essential company parameters and target success factors.

Dashboards represent the information center of your company and allow you to get an easy and quick overview of company-relevant key figures. From a business perspective, the key benefits of a dashboard consist of improved decision making and performance measurement, more efficient employee insights, and increased employee motivation.
Dashboards for different purposes
Operational dashboards
These types of dashboards are specifically designed for employees to monitor operational processes.
Tactical dashboards
Visualize processes and projects to enable benchmarking and overview performance.
Strategic dashboards
Monitor strategic goals and provide a communication basis for strategic leadership meetings.
Your benefits
Work facilitation
For the employee, dashboards can make work easier and thus increase productivity.
Increased motivation
Employees can track company performance to gain deeper insights about the business.
With a DWH interface, it is possible to view data visually across different layers.
By specifying various visualization elements, KPIs, and charts, users can view key performance indicators in a simplified way, making it easier to place them in their overall context.
Through dashboards and the use of consistent data, you create both more transparency across all departments, but also more transparency in your management decisions.
Improved decision making
A uniform data basis and clearly defined key figures enable you to improve decision-making – both for operational business and for strategic orientation.